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Water & Wi-Fi

By March 16, 2017March 31st, 2022Events

“Ugh, I’ll just use my cell data, I guess.”

If you’re hearing people at your site saying this, this is for you.

We’re going to talk about RF, Wi-Fi design, and what’s coming down the pike in the world of wireless networks. You’ll leave LouMUG with ideas you can implement immediately to improve your Wi-Fi. Bring your questions and don’t hold back!

Greg will cover:

  • RF Fundamentals
  • Wi-Fi Design Tips
  • The future in the world of Wi-Fi

Bring donations to WaterStep and receive an extra raffle ticket!

You can donate here and bring proof, donate monetarily onsite (they accept cash, credit or check), or bring new or gently used shoes or suitcases/duffle bags.

About the Presenter

Greg Kamer:

Greg KamerGreg has been in the technology industry for thirteen years. His experience is varied and his geek cred is strong (MCSE, MCSA, MCP, MCTS, WiSE, RCSA-SE, WiSE-SZ, CWNA, DCIE and more!). Currently, he is working almost exclusively with Wi-Fi for Ruckus Wireless and has been for the last four and a half years. He has had multiple public speaking engagements and, apparently, likes to hear himself talk.
When not doing work he enjoys reading (SciFi, theology, philosophy and tech books), hanging out with the family, gaming, drinking bourbon and discussing geeky tech things.